Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Hole in My Universe

Beautiful weather today--not a day for being indoors , at home or in store! This is when I start weekend day trips to the farm stands and farmers markets within easy driving distance (this morning forgot to get out to the farmers market at the Bernardsville train station--does anyone know if it has Sunday hours?) But I am losing track of what I wanted to write about, a mini rant if you will.

Martinsville is a very charming spot in which to live but...There Is No Bagel Store! Oh there are very good ones if I drive 7 miles east of me and 7 miles west of me, but on Sunday morning all I want to do is go as short a distance as possible to get my fix of a pumpernickel bagel with a shmear of lox spread (and Herb his cinnamon raisin with same--a combo that makes me slightly gag but chacun a son gout...!) And while I am in the mood to 'gently' rant...a neighborhood bookstore would be a wonderful addition to the landscape as well!

Enjoy the weekend!

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