Sunday, May 20, 2007

Soup's on

Winter...summer...fall...spring the meal that never fails to satisfy (apart from anything chocolate-related) is a bowl of soup with a piece of bread on the side and a bit of fruit. Most of the requisite food groups thus spoken for and hunger appeased as well.
Soup's a featured item on just about every menu but why settle for a "soup of the day" when you can choose from half a dozen different varieties at a specialty soup shop? The Soup Shoppe at RiverWalk Village Center just off 78 in Basking Ridge.Every day Brian and crew spotlight several deliciously filling vegetarian and meat selections. A recent day's offerings included 3 bean, chicken corn chowder, Black Angus beef chili, white turkey chili, chicken noodle and my favorite--carrot ginger bisque. Served with a freshly-baked roll and a whole fruit.
But The Soup Shoppe is more than soup: build-your-own-salads, signature sandwiches and wrapps (sliced avocado in the California Tuna wrapp adds just the right distinctive ingredient) and a thriving catering business (plus they have Herb's favorite cookies, Tate's Chocolate Chips, imported all the way from Southampton!)

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