Friday, May 11, 2007

Shear Genius

I take my hair styling seriously. Very seriously. When we first moved here I conducted my search for a new salon with all the deadpan earnestness of a Joe Friday. Made a list of all the salons within neighboring villages, called upon the places that appealed most, peppered them with a list of questions--what products do you use? is the parking?...what kind of snacks to nosh on? (bonus points for a cappucino maker). And then chose the salon on the basis of none of the above but because its building reminded me of our house on Long Island.
A good hairdresser is part daVinci, part Dr. Phil, works wonders with two hands and hair blower and keeps up a running conversation at the same time. My hairdresser of choice (Deni) is at The Vanity Room in Bernardsville. Lowkey albeit lively atmosphere, a product line (Bumble&Bumble) that delivers what the label promises and I can even get a cappucino (plus its proximity to Monterrey Gourmet is pretty neat as well).

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