Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Circular Logic

The Sunday ritual in my house: listen to Jonathan Schwartz as we carefully disengage circulars from the 'papers. Bed Bath & Beyond, Linens 'n Things and Tar-jay for me, Circuit City, Staples and Electronics Expo for he. And the one we both grab at: Best Buy.
The ritual continues: when the papers have been read and circular contents scrutinized, time for a quick bite at Stewart's (any Stewarts, tho' our favorite was the late lamented location on 22 in Lebanon--wait! A hopeful sign is the one proclaiming a reopening sometime soon) and our local Best Buy in Bridgewater.
My house is a shrine to that store--from our washer/dryer to all the kitchen appliances to electronic gadgetry (Herb finally got tired of me pressing the button on the Yamaha Digital Sound Projector demo every week so we got one--a single speaker that simulates full surround sound audio and it is incredible!) The staff is genuinely helpful (they don't work on commission by the way) and the cherry on top is that wonderful Reward Zone program where for every dollar you spend you accumulate Best Buy's version of Monopoly money (and who can resist a store that proudly proclaims its geekiness--Lewis from Revenge of the Nerds would approve)

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