Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Given the Royal Treatment

(subtitled "This is why I shop at Kings")

I am a healthy-eating-conscious/label reading/scratch cook/as close to the source food consumer as you can get (no this doesn't conflict with the other side of me, the side that is starting to lose the battle of craving a banana-flavored Twinkie! Balance is my byword). Given that background, I have been buying a wonderful no salt/no filler turkey at my local Kings Supermarket (the Bedminster location). They were out of it the past 2 days. I called yesterday to inquire if they'd gotten in their shipment and got Joe, deli manager. He checked, they were still out, put me on hold for a few moments, got back to me and said, "I just called around. Mendham has the turkey. I will send a refrigerated van to pick up some. Come here after 4 and your turkey will be waiting." Sure enough, I did and it was. Customer service still exists. I repeat: This is why I shop at Kings.

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