Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bedtime Story

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to enter a Bed Bath & Beyond and not leave the store with at least one purchase? The ubiquitous coupon that enters my home via the Sunday 'papers or through the mail always gets used especially since there is no expiration date (oh I know the coupons state "good thru xx/xx/xxxx" but, to my delight, when I once bemoaned clutching in my hand an expired one the cashier told me that it would still be honored!) I went to my local store (at the Bridgewater Promenade) today for purpose of finding clips to keep our duvet in place within its cover. Found those as well as three new pillows, pillowcases, a tissue receptable and one of those gigundo lollipops that are by the register (an area which always holds my attention as they have the most interesting "as seen on TV" gadgetry right there). And something new seems to be brewing; several areas are mysteriously curtained off with signs proclaiming the promise of new merchandise coming soon. I still have one coupon left...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We have a winner!

Thank you Diane!
She wrote, "Ooooh, Tim Hortons is a great donut chain in Canada and Upstate NY. He was an ice hockey player. Sorry, I am not sure where to get that maple donut!"

I just emailed Diane to alert her that she will receive a gift certificate from my local Dunkin' D (maybe not for maple-tops but there's all those other donuts, bagels, croissants and that incredible coffee) And I am still on a quest to find maple-topped donuts! Soooo...if you do know of a place around here that sells them, please let me know!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

And the answer is

Back late last night from annual sojourn to a beautiful region of Canada called Muskoka. Ate well, shopped well (the main thoroughfare in Barrie ON is a ringer for Route 22), relaxed well. What else are vacations for (thank you, Connie Francis, Belleville's own favorite daughter!)
Anyway, I am starting up my own mini-contest and here it is:
a) What is Tim Horton's
b) who was Tim Horton
c) where in Central Jersey can I find maple-topped items similar to the ones produced by the answer to a)

First person who answers will receive from me a dozen of your answer to question c)

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Prelude to a Kiosk

You know how you go walking along in the mall, minding your own business, and someone suddenly appears from alongside one of those kiosks,as politely as urgently trying to get your attention. "Miss, miss, can you give me a moment of your time...please?" And you either smile and shake your head rapidly no or you do same but add "no thank you." For you know if you stop, you're a goner. Well, I had that experience and, much to my surprise, it was worth the interruption. The encounter took place in my home away from home--the Bridgewater Commons--I'd just gotten my Verizon cellphone fixed, walked out the door and was set upon by a very pleasantly persistant salesman. Maybe I was in an exceptionally good and patient mood or maybe just tired...I gave in and listened to the sales pitch, sampled the wares and actually purchased two items. Y'know what? The stuff is Really Good! The kiosk is Nature's Best Mineral Spa Products, 100% all natural Dead Sea mineral-infused, imported from Israel.I tried their exfoliating/cleansing Aromatic Mineral Body Treatment as well as their moisturizing and refreshing Facial Peel. When I have depleted the jars (and that time is quickly approaching) I will be sure to buy more.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Routine matters

Inquiring minds want to know...I've written variations of what my weekend shopping/browsing routine is like, what about yours?